South Park: The 15 Worst Things Cartman Ever Did

Cartman Ginger

Creating A Ginger Uprising

Comedy Central

‘Member when Cartman gave a class presentation claiming ginger kids had no souls, so as a way to get back at him his friends gave him “gingervitus” and changed his appearance to look like he himself was a red-head? Then ‘member how he formed a cult of gingers and organized an evil ginger uprising to cleanse the world of non-gingers? I ‘member that.

Tortured The Supernanny

South Park Super Nanny

Comedy Central

‘Member that time that Cartman’s mom was attempting to set him up with different nannies, including a nanny from Nanny 911 and the Supernanny, who he eventually drove insane, leading her to live in a psychiatric hospital where she eats her own feces out of the toilet? Yeah, I ‘memberrrr.

Scammed His Friends With A Fake Church

Cartman Mega Chruch

Comedy Central

‘Member when Cartman and friends created a church in order to ditch school, but Cartman soon realized the monetary gains a mega-church could bring, so he turned the entire congregation into a scam to become rich at the expense of his classmates? You ‘member that right?

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Top Image: Comedy Central

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