South Park has a history of refusing to shy away from sensitive subjects — in fact, it would be more fair to say that Parker and Stone prefer to sprint head first directly at whichever social issue will make audiences the most squeamish. The ugly saga of A-list celebrities coming out to promote crackpot anti-Semitic conspiracy theories fizzled out of headlines without much of a satisfying conclusion for those who think that Ye and his idiot Nazi friends got off easy for spreading hate on such huge platforms, and the South Park premiere is shaping up to be some belated comedic karmic justice.
A topic as absurd as Ye’s awful racist beliefs is amazing fodder for a show that often has to walk a fine line on nuanced issues — no reasonable person thinks that Ye’s opinions on Jewish people are anything short of brainless, so tomorrow’s South Park episode should basically just be Parker and Stone shooting gay fish in a barrel.