Seth Green And Rob Schneider Are Dropping Bombs On Bill Murray

Seth Green And Rob Schneider Are Dropping Bombs On Bill Murray

Also yesterday, Rob Schneider appeared on “The Jim and Sam Show” with Jim Norton and Sam Roberts where Schneider recalled his own experience with the ego of the man willing to toss a child into a trashcan like a bully from one of Schneider’s movies. Rob remembered the time Bill returned to host SNL during Rob’s six-year tenure as both a writer and performer. Rob recalled being warned about Murray’s mean streak, saying that an unnamed filmmaker told Rob “(Bill Murray’s) gonna change the dialogue. He’s gonna change things, and it’s gonna be great, but you don’t know who you’re gonna get. Which Bill Murray you’re gonna get. The nice Bill Murray? Or you’re gonna get the tough Bill Murray?”

The tough Bill Murray showed up to work that day, and as Schneider tells it, “He hated us on Saturday Night Live when he hosted. Absolutely hated us. I mean, seething. He hated Chris Farley with a passion. Like he was just seething looking at him.” But Farley wasn’t the only beloved cast member who somehow earned Murray’s ire – his best friend and partner Adam Sandler drew a similarly seething hatred according to Schneider. He says that Murray hated Adam Sandler because Murray “just wasn’t into that groove of it, you know? And Sandler was just committed to it, and just like … as soon as he would get on, you could see the audience just ate him up.”

Schneider made sure to clarify that Bill Murray wasn’t quite indiscriminate with his hatred, noting that, “The least of the hate was to me. I took great pleasure in that he hated me less, because he’s my hero.”

It seems like any time news breaks about a celebrity’s dark side, it opens the floodgates for anyone who had been holding onto salacious to come forward with their own negative experiences. Schneider and Green probably won’t be the last to lament their time with the comedy curmudgeon, so strap in and remind yourself that there ain’t no heroes in showbusiness.

Top Image: Broadway Video

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