Pizza Balls-Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness

Pizza Balls-Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness

It’s been a minute since we decided to look in on Babish, but the best part of this is that he’s always coming up with recipes to take a look at and delectable dishes that are no doubt quite tasty. The excitement of watching Babish do his thing is usually enough of a reason to take a look at these pizza balls, especially since they’re being taken from one of the more anticipated movies of the year, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. While the pizza balls weren’t the biggest part of the movie they were noticeable enough that one can’t help but be excited to see that they made it into this episode of Babish, since, well, they look absolutely yummy and it would be great to figure out how to make them. Of course, then comes the challenge of following Babish’s recipe, and for some folks, this might be a thing of ease, but for others, it means stepping into an arena that is a little intimidating and bound to confuse them when exact measurements and procedures are included. Hey, not everyone is a great cook, but most people should be able to enjoy the end result. 

To be fair, it doesn’t look as though pizza balls should be that much stress in the kitchen, especially since it doesn’t look like there’s much to them. But when it comes to baking there are a few things that people do need to remember, especially if they don’t do this type of thing all the time. For one, letting the dough sit for so long is bound to test the patience of a lot of people, even though it’s absolutely necessary to get things to turn out the way they should. If one doesn’t allow the dough time to rise then your bread is going to be less appetizing, at least to a lot of people, and as many a baker would tell you, the end result is going to be kind of odd, to put it lightly. 

But pizza balls appear to have a few different difficulties that can come from the tedious tasks that have to be completed to make them work. From the idea of forming them into balls to the tiny pepperonis to the injection of the sauce, it does feel like a lot of work. For those that do this kind of thing all the time or some approximation of it, the process probably isn’t quite as bad. But for those who don’t bake and barely cook it’s fair to state that this process feels at least a little daunting since trying to get the correct shape is likely going to be a little tough unless one thinks muffin tins right away and knows how to make it work. Not only that, but having the proper tools in the kitchen to make this all come together takes a bit of doing and a healthy bank account to purchase what’s needed to reach the desired result. Babish makes it look easy, but this is due to the idea that this guy is doing this quite often and, for the entertainment of his subscribers, is willing to show at least a few steps along the way. 

Pizza balls aren’t an idea that’s too far out of the box since to be realistic, food in the shape of balls is kind of fun and in some cases, a little easier to handle provided that it’s not too greasy or messy. The initial pizza roll was something that a lot of people might have been able to come up with since after getting the hang of dealing with the dough, it does feel that the roll is one of the simpler methods to use since it doesn’t demand the most skill. Granted, some people still aren’t proficient enough to make this work the way it should, but rolling out a lump of dough isn’t rocket science, nor is spreading sauce and cheese over it to give the inside of the roll the flavor it needs. But the fact is that the roll, however good it is, still doesn’t look like a ball. That’s okay though, Babish fixed it like he always does. 

The end result looks pretty good and yet somehow seeing this as street food is kind of odd unless one is going to include a napkin or a small carrier that can handle two or three balls at once. The important part would be to avoid just taking them as America Chavez did in the movie, but when one is traveling the multiverse and finds worlds where there’s no cost affixed to anything it’s tough to know what’s what. But in the end, the pizza balls look great, they no doubt taste great, and that’s more than enough. 

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