Pavement Musical From Alex Ross Perry Coming to New York Next Month

Slanted Enchanted Musical Poster

Slanted! Enchanted! A Pavement Musical, from Her Smell director Alex Ross Perry, is coming to New York for two performances next month. Your eyes do not deceive you: This is a musical theater production about the band Pavement. Michael Esper, Zoe Lister-Jones, and Kathryn Gallagher will star in the production, which plays at Bleecker Street’s Sheen Center on December 1 and 2. The former show starts at 8 p.m. Eastern; the latter is a 2 p.m. Eastern matinée only.

Though details are thin, a tagline in the press release reads, “The majesty and mystery of Pavement, one of rock music’s most unique treasures, brought to life on the stage for an abbreviated, unforgettable stand.”

Billed as workshop performances, the shows will feature arrangements by Keegan Dewitt and Dabney Morris and choreography by Angela Trimbur and assistant Tenaya Kelleher. Alex Ross Perry, whose other films include Golden Exits and Listen Up Philip, directed Pavement’s belated “Harness Your Hopes” video back in March, ahead of the band’s ongoing reunion dates and, more recently, the Terror Twilight reissue.

Read “Elisabeth Moss Is Essentially Courtney Love in the Rock’n’Roll Drama Her Smell.”

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