Ov Sulfur Release Desolating New Track ‘Stained In Rot’

Ov Sulfur Release Desolating New Track 'Stained In Rot'

Ov Sulfur have crafted one of their most debauched and dark songs yet, and it is an absolute joy to behold.

Ov Sulfur have shared a new track, continuing on their quest to cover the land in as much darkness as possible.

And they are succeeding.

Their new offering is called ‘Stained In Rot’ and is as devastating as it gets.

Combining brutal technicality with haunting atmosphere, and wrapping it all up with a bile-soaked bow, it is heavy in sound and substance.

A modern deathcore dream.

Vocalist Ricky Hoover had this to say about the track, and what it represents for him:

“‘Stained In Rot’ is the heaviest song I’ve been a part of vocally and lyrically. It’s about bringing to light the fact that religion and government are constantly trying to become one and change the world into a theocracy. It’s about showing the horrors that have happened under that way of thinking and control. It’s about pulling out the truth and shoving it back in the faces of religionists while the “truth” they’re forced to believe crumbles around them.”

Here it is, with a nightmarish, monster-filled video to match:

It follows on from ‘Wide Open’, which was the band’s first track since signing to Century Media Records.

It sounds like this:

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