New York’s Brooklyn Bowl Shares Plan for Upcoming Rosh Hashanah Celebration

New York's Brooklyn Bowl Shares Plan for Upcoming Rosh Hashanah Celebration

New York’s Brooklyn Bowl has detailed its forthcoming Rosh Hashanah events slated to take place at the favored Williamsburg, N.Y. venue. The High Holiday services are scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m., and Monday, Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. E.T. 

Attendees can anticipate a service performed by Rabbi Daniel Brenner. Moreover, the event will also feature musical direction from Jeremiah Lockwood, who will lead the core Bowl Hashanah band, consisting of singer and bassist Yula Beeri, drummer John Bollinger, saxophonist and JRAD/Arcade Fire/Antibalas contributor Stuart Bogie, Antibalas trumpeter Jordan McLean, Antibalas guitarist Timothy Allen and organist Yusuke Yamamoto.

The Sunday and Monday services promise a plain-sense explanation of the holiday’s religious aspects, such as a prayer, Shofar blowing and meditation. Furthermore, Sunday’s offering includes the 15th-anniversary celebration of Lockwood’s Hidden Melodies Revealed project, and on Monday, the service will present a traditional Torah reading, added musical guests and more. 

Tickets for Sunday and Monday’s Rosh Hashanah celebration are on sale now.

For more information, visit

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