Maybe Arcane Should Get the Live-Action Treatment

Maybe Arcane Should Get the Live-Action Treatment

When talking about which shows would be great if they were made into live-action versions, it feels that Arcane would be kind of daunting, but it would be worth it as well since the story is a lot of fun and the overall imagery and action that’s packed into this show would be fun to see in real life, or something that’s close to it. One of the most difficult aspects of this show would be figuring out who would fit each role perfectly since let’s be honest, there are a few characters in here that can be listed as common in a few ways, but the fact is that they’re also unique in other ways that set them apart. Vi and Jinx would be two of the biggest concerns since this story has focused on them quite a bit, but Ekko would be another big role to think about, as would several others that impact this story in a big way. Trying to cast them all in a way that would satisfy the story as well as the fans would be kind of tough, to say the least. But it might have the effect of keeping people interested and drawing in more fans. Who knows?

Jinx and Vi would need to be kept as the main focus. 

The dynamic between these two characters has been used to power the show from one angle and it’s been great as many fans would attest to. But trying to cast someone who could play Jinx, and who was young enough to pull it off, feels like a challenge all on its own. Vi could likely be played by a few actresses who are known to play tough roles and can come off as hard-bitten fighters that are able to survive the harshest environments. Jinx is kind of a special case given that the younger and older versions would have to be quite a bit different since the older version is an absolute headcase that would need a truly gifted actress. Hailee Steinfeld, who voices Vi to start with, might actually be able to take on this role if the project is in the works as it’s been rumored. But for Jinx, well, someone truly talented would be needed. And no, Elle Fanning doesn’t sound like the best choice, no offense. 

It would be a CGI-fest for certain. 

This goes without saying since the need for CGI in this world would be an absolute must considering that so much of what exists in this world would need to be CG. But given the advances in technology and how people have adapted to it, there isn’t a lot to worry over since it’s fair to think that the integration of live-action and CGI wouldn’t much of an issue with this story. It’s even likely that there would be plenty of chances for practical effects to be brought in since there are a lot of scenes that could be low-key and support the story while going easy on the CG. But it’s fair to think that fans would expect a lot from the showrunner since the first season of the show was a lot of fun. The live-action show would have to be off the hook. 

Maybe a movie would be best. 

It’s hard to say what the creators of League of Legends are thinking about at this time since the second season appears to be on the way at the moment and a lot of people are trying to anticipate what’s going to happen since the show went in a direction that a lot of fans didn’t expect. That’s not to say that people are disappointed, far from it. But not being able to anticipate everything that’s coming is bound to be tough, especially with the way things were left at the end of season 1. Casting for this show, or for a movie, could be kind of difficult, but it would be worth it if the right actors were found, and especially if the story was something that could connect to itself if it spawned any spinoffs. Is it worth creating another universe for this story? Maybe, but one step at a time is the best way to go it feels, even though League of Legends is already a big thing and has been for a while. 

What can we expect?

Fans of League of Legends might have a bit of an inside scoop on this, but at the moment it feels as though just lying back and waiting to see what comes could be interesting. The unpredictable nature that has been brought to the show is something that could help endear it to more and more fans since the unfolding of the overall story is something that is worth paying attention to. Hopefully the live-action idea is real, and hopefully we’ll see it someday. But for now, it’s just fun to think about. 

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