Developer Second Dinner has revealed all their plans for the next season of Marvel Snap. Themed around a ‘multidimensional misfit group of mutants,’ the superhero card collector promises to get a lot more chaotic when the “A Blink in Time” season begins on May 7.
You may not have heard of them unless you’re a comic aficionado, but headlining this cast of misfits is Blink herself. Purchasing the season pass will unlock her for $9.99 USD. On paper, Blink looks like a fairly broken card — a 5-cost 6 power card with an On Reveal that reads: Swap the last card you played with a higher-cost card from your deck. If I had to guess, Blink has the potential to become a meta-shaping problem.
Along with several unique variants and other goodies with an extra 300 Credits and 900 Gold not available in the free version of the pass, it’s still one of the best deals in collectible card-game history.
Also releasing on May 7 in the Spotlight Caches is Nocturne, a 3/5 with the ability to change a location after moving it once.
Arriving a week later, on May 14, is Sage, a complicated card that gains power depending on how many other cards have different power levels among them. She’s a 3-cost card with 0 initial power.
Next is Namora on May 21, which gives power to cards that are alone at other locations — a great companion to Namor and Orka. She’s a 5/6 with the potential to output 16 total power or more if Odin is dropped on top of her or she’s played into Wong.
The season concludes on May 28 with Sasquatch—yes, the furry cryptid is a Marvel character—a 6/10 that costs less for each card you played the turn before. In cost, power, and utility, he seems similar to She-Hulk, one of the best Marvel Snap cards.
If I had to guess, I’d save my Spotlight Cache keys for Nocturne and Sasquatch, but be sure to check out our weekly best Marvel Snap decks to get the full rundown on each of these cards right before they release.

Alongside these new heroes, two new locations will certainly add some layers of complexity to the matches they appear in:
- Panoptichron: Cards that didn’t start in your deck get +2 Power here.
- Cancun: Power here doesn’t count toward winning the game.
Rounding out the “A Blink in Time” season are three new variant albums to complete with pretty decent rewards, including a Rian Gonzalez album with an amazing Silk variant I can’t wait to add to my collection. Here are their release dates:
May 7: Move Your Hipps, another Dan Hipp-themed album that, if you’ve played any amount of Marvel Snap, you probably have half filled out already. The rewards for the amount of variants are as follows:
- Collect 3: Werewolf By Night Avatar
- Collect 6: 1000 Credits
- Collect 9: Heimdall Shocked Emote
- Collect 12: Werewolf By Night Variant

May 15: Cute but Deadly finally gives us a Rian Gonzalez album, though we didn’t need another reason to collect his amazing variants. These rewards look a little bit better with some Collector’s Tokens thrown in:
- Collect 3: Silk Avatar
- Collect 6: 1000 Collector’s Tokens
- Collect 9: Gambit Swoon Emote
- Collect 12: Silk Variant
May 31: Oops, All Chibis will provide a reason to collect Chibi variants – I’m not a big fan of them otherwise, but to each their own. Here are the rewards:
- Collect 3: Iron Lad Avatar
- Collect 6: 1000 Credits
- Collect 9: Iron Lad The Thinker Emote
- Collect 12: Iron Lad Variant
Along with some shop takeovers and another Marvel Snap Twitch Drop, which you can read more about here to earn exclusive variants for watching streamers try out May’s new cards, we’ve clearly got another exciting month of Marvel Snap ahead of us.