Maia Novi’s off-Broadway show ‘INVASIVE SPECIES‘ opens with a star-studded audience

Maia Novi’s off-Broadway show ‘INVASIVE SPECIES

Maia Novi’s off-Broadway show, INVASIVE SPECIES, has officially premiered. In this new play, the Argentinean playwright narrates her true story of immigrating from Argentina to the USA and heading straight to Yale to pursue acting, studying drama. Shortly after attempting to “fit in,” she finds herself unexpectedly committed to a youth psych ward. The show was written by Novi in response to debates around Yale’s mental health policies and runs until June 30.

©Hunter Abrams
Maia Novi’s off-Broadway show ‘INVASIVE SPECIES

She explained in an interview with Interview Magazine, “The first iteration of the play, I was sort of lying about how I got into the psych ward and trying to only blame the system. This is the thing about Argentinians: they do a lot with a little, they’re used to improvising.” Her experience as an actress in Argentina was much different than in the United States. “Theater in Argentina is very underground and very experimental. It has an unapologetic, grotesque, bizarro energy, which is maybe what led me into the psych ward, ’cause I stormed into that ER and was like, ‘Give me a sleeping pill.’ In Argentina, if you want a sleeping pill, they just give it to you,” she continued.

Check out some moments from opening night below, and watch the play if you have the opportunity to.

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