Is ‘House Of Dragon’ Just ‘The Crown’ In Westeros?

Is ‘House Of Dragon’ Just ‘The Crown’ In Westeros?

This is just speculation, but could House of the Dragon be doing something similar? Could it be following, not just these characters, but the history of the Targaryen family, all the way to the Mad King, and maybe even the birth of Daenerys? “The Crown, but make it Game of Thrones” seems like a solid pitch for a show. And looking back at the pilot of House of the Dragon, it’s not so dissimilar from the first episode of The Crown; both are about young female heirs being tapped for the throne by their royal fathers –





– who happen to be sick (King George VI has lung cancer, while King Viserys has a mysterious wound that won’t heal).



Also both shows feature Matt Smith as an excruciatingly smarmy Prince (Philip and Daemon Targaryen, respectively).



Although, at least no real world schools are named after the worst members of the Targaryen family

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