Influencer Lindsay Brewer in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says “It Takes Focus”

Influencer Lindsay Brewer in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "It Takes Focus"

Lindsay Brewer is kicking it – in her two-piece workout gear. In a new social media post the influencer shows off her amazing body in an exercise set while kicking off bottle caps. “It takes focus, determination, and decades of sweat to perfect the art of the bottle cap kick,” she captioned the Instagram clip. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits. 

Lindsay is a golfer. “Guess my handicap,” she captioned a post from the course. Should you start golfing? Yes, says the British Journal of Sports Medicine, who maintain the health benefits are extensive, including mind, body, and even lifespan. Benefits include improved longevity, decreased risk of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke, good mental health, and improved strength and balance.

In the winter you can find Lindsay skiing. “Weekend in the snow,” she captioned a series of snaps from Aspen. Research has linked downhill skiing to a number of health benefits. In addition to promoting physical fitness, it may decrease risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Studies have also found that the more frequently a person skis, prevalence of known hypercholesterolemia, systemic hypertension, diabetes, the frequency of mental stress and the occurrence of memory deficits declines.

Lindsay makes sure to hydrate. “Race weekend in the desert means hydrating with the best,” she says in a post, holding a bottle of Evian water. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is important for a variety of reasons. Water helps get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Lindsay  plays tennis, a great workout that blends together cardio and aerobic exercise, with a lot of running around and hand-eye coordination. “While tennis provides numerous health benefits—improved aerobic fitness and anaerobic endurance, muscular fitness (grip strength and endurance), flexibility, multiple skill parameters (balance, speed, agility and quickness), reactivity, and power—it also is psychologically demanding,” explains ACE Fitness.  

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