Influencer Danielle Pascente in Two-Piece Workout Gear Feels “Strong and Powerful”

Influencer Danielle Pascente in Two-Piece Workout Gear Feels "Strong and Powerful"

Danielle Pascente, a well-known influencer and fitness coach, has built her success by embracing a balanced approach to health and fitness. She’s committed to pushing through tough exercises she doesn’t enjoy and always ensures she never skips a warmup. Pascente’s dedication is evident in her consistent approach, reminding her followers that staying on track is key to reaching their goals, even with a busy schedule. From high-intensity treadmill intervals to the importance of fueling her body in ways that suit her, Pascente demonstrates that a well-rounded routine is essential. Her message is simple: listen to your body, find what works for you, and stay committed to achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

You’re not going to love every workout–there are some exercises that are hard to tolerate even though they’re effective. Pascente has a list of ones she hates, but she still does them because “they’re good for me.” Wearing mint green shorts with black trim and a teal-colored sports bra, Pascente showed which moves she doesn’t enjoy but will continue to do. 

-Bulgarian split squats 


-Barbell back squats

-Lateral raises

Warming up before a workout is recommended because it helps improve performance, boosts energy, reduces stress on the heart, and helps increase flexibility. Pascente admits she can overlook things in a session, but warming up is essential. “I’m mostly the chilliest trainer ever, but skip the warm up and you’re ☠️ to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣I will die on this hill. Not nearly as much as people die on the hill that burpees are the worst exercise ever (agree to completely disagree) but I think a lottttt of us can agree that warming up before exercise IS IMPORTANT.”

To switch things up, Pascente will do treadmill intervals and shared what the workout looks like in an Instagram video. 

“Warm up: 5 minutes, walk pace, incline 2%


➡️3 – 30 second sprints. 30 seconds recovery between each. Increase your sprint speed by 1 each time. Make sure you choose a pace you know you can increase and still hold for 30 seconds. The last one SHOULD push you! Mine were 9.0, 10.0, 11.0. Next time, I’m going to try pushing 10, 11, 12.

Hop off tread and complete this circuit. Interval is 30/10 (30 seconds on, 10 rest)





Hop back on tread and repeat this 3-4 times. I made it through 4 rounds – but honestly – this shit gassed me – it’s tough with the added circuit for sure. But in true me fashion – of course I’d program this madness 😂😤”


Pascente is a busy mom on the go, but never skipping workouts is key for her fitness journey. In an interview with Perfect Bar she said, “If I’m consistent with that, everything else falls into place. I travel a lot too so sometimes it’s hard to find a rhythm, but when I carve out time and actually schedule all my workouts I feel much better! Workouts just set the tone for my day. They help me make better decisions (food wise) throughout the day and recharge my mind and body!”

Pascente fuels up for workouts in various ways like enjoying a big breakfast beforehand, but reminds followers that everyone is different. “I said it once and I’ll say it 20 more times – you’ve got to do what works for you. There is no one size fits all approach to how we eat or fuel our bodies and the timing in which we do it.” She also stated, “I think nutrition in general is so specific and unique to each individual. I get asked a lot how I fuel before and after my workouts and that looks wildly different based on preference, time you wake up, time you might exercise, etc. This is just a small glimpse on fuel surrounding a workout but it’s also constantly changing if my schedule shifts a bit.”

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