Harvey Specter Returns in SUITS LA Promo Teaser and First-Look Image

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Suitors, our time is here. We knew that Gabriel Macht would put back on a sleek, impeccably tailored, and ridiculously expensive suit as Harvey Specter in Suits LA. His character knows Stephen Amell’s Ted Black from back during his federal prosecutor days in NY. Macht will play Harvey Specter in three episodes of Suits LA and will make his debut in episode four, according to this short yet sweet teaser clip along with a first-look image. 

In it, we see what appears to be a flashback of Harvey and Ted meeting each other. While Ted is trying to order Guinness rounds, Harvey cuts in and says that they will be drinking Macallan 25. What a fine choice of liquor. He introduces himself in the brash way that only he can do and challenges Ted to take him head on. Based on how Harvey is dressed, it seems the challenge is on the baseball field and not in the courtroom. Or, it could totally be both. You never know with that guy.

We don’t know if we will see Harvey in the present in this episode or just via flashbacks. Either way, it is so good to know that he will be around for a little while.

Gabriel Macht Will Reprise His Role as Harvey Specter on SUITS LA

If and when he does show up in the present day, maybe we will get a mention about how Donna, Mike, and Rachel are doing these days. 

image of harvey specter and ted black drinking macallan 25 together at a bar in suits la
Nicole Weingart/NBC

In episode 4, we will see Past Ted go to a friend, presumably Harvey, thanks to his battle against a mob boss. The episode is called “Batman Returns,” interestingly. If ever there were a rich, suave playboy who can rumble with criminals and has loads of cash, it is Harvey Specter.

Content shared from nerdist.com.

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