Possible UFO sightings have been popping up all over the U.S. of late – but now there’s something different flashing across the dark sky.
TMZ obtained this footage of what appears to be a meteorite above Riverside, California early Saturday morning.
The man who shot the vid tells TMZ … he was just hanging out in the “hood when he looked up and saw the glowing red and white comet shooting through the airspace.” Check it out … the images are pretty cool.
As you know … there’s been a lot of UFO activity in the skies all around the planet, but not so many meteors.

Earlier this month … we showed you video of an unidentified flying object shimmering in the heavens above Henderson, Nevada.
Before that, in May, we captured a UFO whizzing across the sky during a Blue Angels demonstration in Long Island, NY.

And, as we said, there’s plenty more of these UFO vids floating around the Internet.