Melissa Carver is a health and fitness coach whose passion lies in helping others achieve healthier lifestyles and stay motivated on their wellness journeys. With her positive outlook and dedication to progress, Melissa is all about embracing the journey of self-improvement, both physically and mentally. Recently, she shared on Instagram, “If I can help motivate or inspire one person to make a positive change, whether it’s hitting the gym or embracing a healthier lifestyle, then it’s all worth it 🫶🏼” Here’s how Melissa focuses on her own fitness and shares her love for health with her followers.
Carver makes sure to work her glutes. She shared some of her favorites in this Instagram video, captioning it, “2 of my staple glute exercises 👇🏼• Cable Machine Glute Kickbacks • Smith Machine Hip Thrusts . What are your staples? I’ve done both of these exercises for years, and they never fail to hit the glutes well. I’m just getting back to training after being sick with the flu, so I made sure I didn’t push too hard despite losing a few kilos from not training & my brain wanting to do hours of training to get my gains back haha.”
Carver shares a lot of her favorite workouts on Instagram. In this video, she is seen doing hip thrusts. Gymless states that the exercise has a lot of benefits. “Hip thrusts, as a compound movement, aid in increasing lower body strength and power, enhancing athletic abilities such as running, jumping, and powerlifting.By strengthening the posterior chain muscles, you can enhance your posture and lower the risk of back pain and muscle strain. Strong glutes and hamstrings contribute to hip and knee stability, minimizing injury risks in sports and daily life.”

Carver is also seen doing RDLs in the previous Instagram video. ACE Fitness states that RDLs have a lot of benefits. “The Romanian deadlift (RDL) is a traditional barbell lift used to develop the strength of the posterior chain muscles, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and adductors. When done correctly, the RDL is an effective exercise that helps strengthen both the core and the lower body with one move. Unlike the traditional barbell deadlift and other quad-dominant exercises such as leg presses, which place significant loads on the anterior portion of the knees, the RDL focuses most of the physical work on the muscles responsible for extending the hip and the knee from the posterior.”

Carver does a lot of workouts with weights. When she does them, she likes to use grips. She talked about the importance of grips in the caption of this Instagram video. “Better grip: Helps you maintain a strong hold on the bar or dumbbells, reducing the chance of it slipping & way less strain on your wrists! • Reduced hand fatigue: Allows you to lift heavier weights without your grip giving out, focusing on muscle work instead.• Targeted muscle focus: Lets you concentrate on working your hamstrings and glutes without worrying about your grip. Better form: Helps you maintain proper lifting technique by reducing grip-related compensations.”
Carver wants to send messages of positivity on her Instagram. She shared some in the caption of this post. “Here to share some monday reminders: • Perfection doesn’t exist ▪︎ Strive for progress ▪︎ Progress isn’t linear ▪︎ Setbacks are inevitable ▪︎ Don’t let social media determine your worth • Outside of the screen, there are so many incredible memories waiting to be created, be present ▪︎ Time goes by fast, if you need to, take a pause, take a moment to stop & reasses what actually matters to you or what you can do differently ▪︎ Your health is SO much more important than your physical appearance, as much as they can go hand in hand. Physical, Mental & emotional! ▪︎ Health isn’t just juicy glutes or appearing shredded, being happy & content with where you are whilst working to improve is so much more important than ‘appearances.’ You’re right where you are supposed to be, everything happens for a reason 🤍”