Did State Farm Sneakily Introduce A New Jake From State Farm?

Did State Farm Sneakily Introduce A New Jake From State Farm?

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Rememer Jake from State Farm?

Y’know, the awkward white dude who let the world know that he was wearing khakis?

Well, that guy apparently did not have the sauce and gave way to the eventual Jake from State Farm (Kevin Miles) who would go on to become a massive celebrity in his own right.

Miles has been seen chilling with such superstars as Travis Kelce, Caitlin Clark and Travis Scott. But has he become too big for the Jake From State Fame role?

The insurance company recently released a new commercial featuring ESPN’s Monica McNutt and WNBA star Kelsey Plum.

In the 30-second ad, McNutt says that she needs a bucket due to a leaking hole in her ceiling. That’s when Plum, who calls herself “a walking bucket” appears. But that doesn’t solve McNutt’s problem.

So Plum says the famous “like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” jingle and, POOF, a State Farm agent shows up. But it wasn’t Jake. Or, at least, not the Jake we all know and love!

We don’t learn the new guy’s name at any point in the commercial. But, of course, Twitter users came ready with the jokes.

Is there a new Jake? Is this like a new Pope where there are elections held and black smoke?

We need answers, State Farm!

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