It’s impossible to go over it, at least by conventional means. Speedrunning Dark Souls 2 is very tempting because defeating that dumb pile of rubble feels ultra-satisfying – and is naturally ultra-easy for those with the necessary know-how. Players just need to exploit the game a bit to get to some terrain high enough to allow players to jump over the rubble – just as the Dark God intended.
Bandai Namco
Whereas the toughest foes in the original game were Ornstein and Smough,

Bandai Namco
The biggest opponents in Dark Souls 2 are waist-high wall

Bandai Namco
And..ankle-high wall.

Bandai Namco
The best showcase of Dark Souls 2‘s unnecessarily atrocious design is Earthen Peak, a huge poison-filled windmill whose name seems to state it is located on top of the world.

Bandai Namco
Inside, the game expects the players to just know that they have to burn down a mechanism that seems like it’s made of either metal or rock.