Tia Clair Toomey, a renowned CrossFit athlete, is in the midst of intense training for the upcoming TYR Sport Cup. Recently, she shared a glimpse of her workout routine in an Instagram video, showcasing her dedication to fitness with Frog Grips. The video highlights Toomey lifting weights, swinging from rings, rowing, and utilizing a stationary bike, underscoring her diverse and disciplined approach to staying in peak condition. With major events on the horizon, including the Wodapalooza in September and the Rogue Invitational in November, Toomey’s training never slows down. Her commitment to CrossFit and her active lifestyle has shaped her career and brought her to the forefront of the fitness world, inspiring many along the way.
CrossFit is the main way Toomey stays in shape. She talked about her love for it in the caption of this Instagram post. “CrossFit isn’t just a sport to me—it’s a way of life that’s changed everything for my family. Over the past 10 years, it’s given me a career, a purpose, and a home. What I love most are the people. CrossFit has brought incredible individuals into my life, allowed me to compete on the world’s biggest stages, and leave a mark alongside the fittest humans in history. I’ve been lucky enough to travel the world and meet the amazing individuals who make up our community, and for that I am forever grateful.”
In a recent Instagram post, Toomey is seen using a rowing machine. According to The Cleveland Clinic, this has a lot of benefits. “Like running or a session on an elliptical, rowing is a full-body workout. But unlike those activities, you don’t have to stand to do it. That means less pressure on your legs and more work for your upper body…Your abdominal muscles, lower back, obliques, glutes and hamstrings all get a workout during a session on a rowing machine. If you follow proper form, your core will be engaged during every single step of the rowing process. Strengthening those muscles is also key to maintaining stability and building speed.”
Toomey likes to strength train to stay in shape. She is seen doing exercises with a weight in this Instagram video. Toomey captioned it, “Rep by rep! @prvnfitness. No 🎶 just hard work.” Strength training has a lot of benefits, including weight loss. According to The Mayo Clinic, “Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories.”
Toomey likes to run to stay in shape. She shared this video of herself on the track on Instagram. Toomey captioned the post, “What’s your best mile time?” Better Health states that running is very beneficial. “Regular running or jogging offers many health benefits. Running can: help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn plenty of kilojoules, help maintain a healthy weight.”
Toomey likes to use a stationary bike to help her stay in shape. In the Instagram post from the first blurb, she is seen using one. She is also seen using one in this video. Toomey captioned that post, “Love a good EMOM @prvnfitness. Name 3 movements you love in the comments.” According to Penn State PRO Wellness, “Riding a stationary exercise bike is an efficient and effective way to burn calories and body fat while strengthening your heart, lungs, and muscles.”