Behold, The ‘Alien’ Movies’ Creepy Boneless Sigourney Weaver Puppet

Behold, The 'Alien' Movies' Creepy Boneless Sigourney Weaver Puppet

The behind-the-scenes footage being shared online isn’t actually from the making of the video itself, but rather from a nine-year-old YouTube video posted by a special effects company that worked on the film, studioADI. Apparently, they just found the boneless, lifelike Ripley doll stashed away in storage. Which was, presumably, a pretty terrifying discovery to make.

Adding another wrinkle to the story, an eight-year-old comment on the video from studioADI itself claims that a “collector wanted to buy” the prop, but they couldn’t sell it to them because it “mysteriously disappeared.” Which is a tad unnerving. Hopefully, someone will get to the bottom of it with a nine-part podcast series devoted to investigating the mystery of the vanishing Sigourney Weaver dummy. 

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Top Image: 20th Century Studios/YouTube

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