‘Battlefield 2042’ Is An Unplayable Mess, Riddled With Flying Hovercrafts – Cracked.com | Articles

Indestructible plane

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Though we’d be unfair if we were to ignore the severe improvements that the future will bring to planes as well. Here’s professional Streamer Shroud going against a building at full speed only to see his plane bouncing back.


And while it’s really cool to know that the planes of the future will be 100% 9/11 proofed, this brings about new problems, like jets that can somehow fly under the map.

Jet going under the map


This is how UFOs do it.

The most damaging part of this glitch is how it makes the game look more beautiful than it does when everything is going as intended.

Oh, and what about the Penguins of the future, you ask, as one normally does. Well, you can now use the game’s vehicle fixing tool on them — even when they’re perfectly healthy functioning properly.

Fixing a penguin


Though this one is easy to write off as an Easter egg left by a penguin-hating developer.

We’re still waiting for a petition to tell EA that penguins are perfect just the way they are.

Top Image: EA

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