All the Genius Things Jennifer Coolidge Did To Earn Her MTV Comedic Genius Award

All the Genius Things Jennifer Coolidge Did To Earn Her MTV Comedic Genius Award

Mike White owes her big-time for White Lotus

There’s a lot to love about White Lotus, from its skewering of the rich to its deft look at the poison flowing through the veins of loving relationships. But let’s face it — the show never would have become a phenomenon without the presence of Coolidge, who somehow finds a way to bring physical comedy along with pathos. There’s a reason she was the only cast member asked back for a second season.

She pretty much stole Best in Show

Other than maybe Fred Willard’s dog show color commentator Buck Laughlin, no one brought the guffaws in Christopher Guest’s mockumentary like Coolidge. We could talk or not talk about this scene forever. 

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