7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

With the impending launch of the Harry Potter Max series, it’s high time we brush up on our spells—specifically charms that might just be the talk of the town again. So, grab your wands (or remotes), sit back, and let’s dive into the magical lexicon that’ll make muggles feel like they’re missing out on Hogwarts’ most exclusive crash course.

Expelliarmus The Overachiever

Let’s kick things off with Expelliarmus, shall we? The spell so beloved by The Boy Who Lived, he might as well have trademarked it. It’s the disarmingly simple charm that seems to be every wizard’s panic button when they can’t remember any other spells. Oh, and did I mention it can send someone flying if you put a little oomph into it? “Expelliarmus can throw the victim backwards when cast with enough power,” not that anyone in the series seemed to need much encouragement to use it at full blast.

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

Lumos The Enlightened One

Lumos, because why bother with electricity when you can literally light up your wand like a glorified flashlight? I mean, it is the second spell you get in Hogwarts Legacy, so clearly it’s important—“The Lumos spell in Hogwarts Legacy will benefit you throughout the game to not only provide you with ample light in dark situations, but also to help you in solving puzzles,” which is pretty handy unless you’re scared of your own shadow. Plus, let’s not forget that lovely moment where Professor Fig asks you to use Lumos because a statue is stalking him. Charming, really.

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

The Floating Feather Fiasco

Wingardium Leviosa, or should I say ‘Leviosaa,’ is next on our list. It’s the spell for when you need to prove to your classmates that you can indeed make a feather float—because that’s what peak magical prowess looks like. Remember, this charm is all about wrist movement and pronunciation, which apparently is a Herculean task for some first-years. And yes, we’ve all seen Hermione correct Ron about it more times than we’ve had hot dinners.

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

Accio The Lazy Wizard’s Dream

Ah Accio, the ultimate spell for those who can’t be bothered to get up from their comfy armchair. Need a snack from the kitchen? Accio! Can’t find the remote? Accio! It’s like having your own personal fetch quest but without any of the legwork. And in Hogwarts Legacy, trust me, you’ll be thanking Merlin for this one because who wants to walk when you can summon just about anything to your hand?

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

Alohomora The Lockpicker’s Delight

Then there’s Alohomora, the spell that renders keys obsolete and locksmiths unemployed. “It’s important to note that you do need to return to Moon in order to access new areas via upgrades to your Alohomora spell,” because apparently even magic locks need next-level thievery skills. And who could forget dear Moon being petrified of Demiguise statues? Good thing he teaches us Alohomora so we can collect them without pesky doors getting in our way.

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

The Emotional Support Spell

Expecto Patronum, because sometimes life gets too real and you need a glowing animal spirit to fend off your inner demons—or literal Dementors. It’s like a magical therapy session where instead of talking about your feelings, you conjure them into an animal form. And if you’re feeling particularly emo, just remember Snape’s undying love for Lily: After all this time? Always, said Snape. Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve—or casting it out of your wand.

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

The Magical Not Touching Can’t Get Mad Shield

Last but not least, Protego. Why bother with dodging when you can raise an invisible shield? It’s perfect for those moments when you’re too lazy to move but still want to look cool in a duel. In Hogwarts Legacy, In Hogwarts Legacy, you can combine Protego and Stupefy to unleash a powerful counterattack spell. So essentially, it’s like playing magical tag where no one can tag you back—genius!

7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch7 Charms To Know Before the Harry Potter Max Series Launch

In conclusion, as we eagerly await the Harry Potter Max series, let’s appreciate these charms for what they are: a blend of practicality and sheer laziness with a dash of emotional support. Whether they’ll play a pivotal role or just be there for some nostalgic nods is yet to be seen. But one thing’s for sure: we’ll be watching with a more informed—and slightly sarcastic—eye.

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