4 Easy Excuses For Escaping Cursed Conversations Come Thanksgiving

4 Easy Excuses For Escaping Cursed Conversations Come Thanksgiving

Claim To See A Shadowy Figure


If you’ve got a window in sight, you’re good to go for my final suggestion: simply continually remark loudly to your family that there is a shadowy figure outside, watching you through the window. Insist on going outside to check it out and/or scare the figure away, but repeatedly come back empty-handed. With each subsequent “sighting” add more details about the figure. Glowing red eyes. Long, delicate wings. Let the imagination run wild. 

Go full Rear Window meets Mothman on them. Commit hard enough that not only do you get repeated breaks in the fresh winter air, but so that for the rest of the night, people don’t particularly WANT to talk to you anyway. It’s all valuable groundwork. Heck, start up the shadowy figure talk a second year in a row and you might not have any more thanksgiving dinners to worry about, except for one you get served on a tray next to your pills!

Top Image: Pixabay/Pixabay

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