12 Best In Show Characters You Might Be (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)

Fred Willard Best In Show

Sagittarius: Buck Laughlin

Castle Rock Entertainment

This fire sign is always on the search for knowledge, while still being the life of the party. Buck Laughlin elegantly portrays these traits with great sophistication. Sagittarius have inventive ideas like a calendar of women washing their dogs, and dressing up bloodhounds like Sherlock Holmes (pipe included). On a side note, how much do you think they can bench press?

Capricorn: Gerry Fleck

Eugene Levy Best In Show

Castle Rock Entertainment

Just like Gerry Fleck, Capricorns realize that dedication, patience and perseverance are the best way to have a happy and successful life. They don’t give up on anything whether it be dog shows or walking in a straight line. Some may be quiet, but that doesn’t stop them from marrying the prettiest girl in high school.

Aquarius: Dr.Theodore W. Millbank III

Bob Balaban Best In Show

Castle Rock Entertainment

Aquarius are revolutionary and innovative, so innovative in fact that they may head the biggest dog show in the country. Yes it’s a smaller role in the movie but hey, there’s only so much main cast and no one else really fits here. Aquarius are Bob Balaban, deal with it.

Pisces: Ed Begley Junior Hotel Manager

Ed Begley Junior Best In Show

Castle Rock Entertainment

Pisces are the most intuitive and empathetic of all the signs, leading to the conclusion that Ed Begley Junior as the hotel manager, must be a pisces. Out of the kindness of his heart this man allowed the Flecks to stay in the spare janitors closet, much like letting the virgin mary sleep in the manger. He’s smart, polite and empathetic, helping search for the missing busy bee. Someone should be so lucky to be compared to this hotel manager.

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Top Image: Castle Rock Entertainment

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