Declassified CIA documents from 1984 describe someone seeing a dying “elder race” consisting of “very tall, thin” creatures on Mars. The report was part of what the U.S. Army, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and SRI International (a California contractor) code-named the Stargate Project.
In the CIA documents titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984” (which can be viewed here), discussed the potential for using psychic phenomena such as remote viewing. Remote viewing supposedly is when certain people are gifted with the ability to see a distant or unseen subject using just their minds.
In the documents, it states that the subject was given a sealed envelope and geographic coordinates. Inside the envelope was a 3×5 index card with the words: “The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.”
Once give the coordinates, the subject used remote viewing to view the red planet and see what they described as a “oblique view of a pyramid or pyramid form” that was “yellowish” or “okra colored.”
Going further back in time, the remote viewer claims to “keep seeing very large people.” The viewer added, “They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large, wearing some kind of strange clothes.”
After seeing a “deep cavern” and a “steep wall that seem[s] to go on forever,” the viewer says they saw an obelisk that looked like the Washington Monument.
After seeing more pyramids on Mars, the remote viewer said they saw “ancient people” that are “dying.” They were “like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall, thin, it’s only a shadow.”
The good news is that these Mars people were, according to the viewer, “very philosophic about dying. They also revealed that they were “looking for a way to survive,” but “they just can’t.”
The $20 million research program was reportedly a response to the Soviet Union supposedly conducting research using “psychotronics,” or electromagnetic torture. The Stargate Project, unfortunately, was terminated in 1995 after the CIA determined that it was not going to be useful for intelligence operations.