7 Easy To Play ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Commanders

7 Easy To Play 'Magic: The Gathering' Commanders

Talrand, Sky Summoner


Wizards of the Coast

Tastefully place seashells and a ton of fliers.

Just because you’re new to Commander doesn’t mean you don’t like playing blue. Nothing feels quite like countering someone’s spell and watching their face fall. Playing mono blue means you won’t have to worry about fiddling with mana. Bonus for intermediate players: Talrand is both a merfolk and a wizard, both well supported tribes, with lots of sorceries and instants that care about those creature types. Fill your new favorite Commander deck with instants and sorceries to draw cards, counter spells, stun opponents creatures, and watch your drake army grow. 

The Scarab God


Wizards of the Coast

Yuk. Just… yuk.

I, personally, want to immediately concede whenever someone decides to play this against me. The Scarab God has a simple strategy: Play. Zombies. The more zombies you play, the more life your opponents lose. When your opponent does play a powerful creature, use a removal or counter spell to get it into their graveyard and boom, pay a paltry amount of mana and that puppy rises again, but this time on your side as an unholy abomination of itself. Oh shoot! The opponent destroyed Scarab God? Joke’s on them, it just goes back to your hand. This card is a walking, undying “thanks, I hate it” meme. 

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