Here Are All the Scenes from ‘The Office’ That Are ‘Too Hot for TV’

Here Are All the Scenes from ‘The Office’ That Are ‘Too Hot for TV’

‘Dwight’s Christmas,’ Season 9, Episode 9

What Scene Was Removed: Nate’s Blackface

As described above, Dwight’s dream finally comes true when given the opportunity to host a traditional Pennsylvania Colonial Christmas. His holiday vision involves dressing up as the terrorizing character Belsnickel, a crotchety gift bringer who judges everyone’s year by only two categories — “impish or admirable.” If labeled as impish, one gets to feel the wrath of Belsnickel’s whip or cane. If admirable, they’re given a humble gift of seeds or jar lids. 

Upon receiving backlash from his co-workers, Dwight finally settles down and decides to cancel one part of the festivities at the last minute. Specifically, a cameo from the character “Zwarte Piet,” a small African child that is an assistant to Belsnickel. Again, with a simple text, we see the white warehouse worker Nate on his way into the office in blackface. The joke pops up later, too, as the Christmas party continues, showing Nate enjoying the festivities after having poorly removed the black makeup from his face but not his ears or lips.

The show’s creator, Greg Daniels, was open and honest regarding this change, stating, “The show employed satire to expose unacceptable behavior and deliver a message of inclusion. Today we cut a shot of an actor wearing blackface that was used to criticize a specific racist European practice. Blackface is unacceptable, and making the point so graphically is hurtful and wrong. I am sorry for the pain that was caused.”

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