Creed III Posters Revealed by Movie Director Michael B. Jordan

Creed III posters 3 Michael B Jordan Adonis Creed Jonathan Majors Anderson Dame release date March 3, 2023

Everybody with taste loves the Rocky franchise, and that same enthusiasm has extended to the spinoff franchise, Creed. The latter movies have followed a similar formula to that of the original movies, but starring Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Creed, the son of Apollo Creed. Just like Sylvester Stallone went on to direct some of the Rocky films, Jordan will make his debut as a film director with Creed III, and Jordan today shared the first two posters for the movie. The two Creed III posters feature Adonis and his new nemesis, Anderson Dame played by an ultra-diesel Jonathan Majors, respectively, and together they compose a tagline of, “You can’t run… from your past.”

It remains to be seen how Anderson Dame will fit into Adonis Creed’s “past.” Although, Creed used to be a bored office worker, so it would be hilarious if someone he had an office feud with decided to become a super jacked boxer to get back at him. Dame could also turn out to arbitrarily be a relative of Clubber Lang (Mr. T), because that’s a concept that has been floated before, for better or worse.

These new posters remind us that Creed III arrives on March 3, 2023, and you can expect the first trailer to drop tomorrow.

Creed III posters 3 Michael B Jordan Adonis Creed Jonathan Majors Anderson Dame release date March 3, 2023

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