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For a very long time after its announcement, Elden Ring, the spiritual successor to the popular Dark Souls series, felt like a mirage. Details remained so scarce and hype levels so high for so long that fans grabbed onto even very obviously fake Russian announcements to keep the dream alive. You have to worry about that no longer as the game is real, looks tremendous, and will come out in just a little over a week. But the propensity of Dark Souls fans to find pleasure even in pain had to create yet another final boss to face before the game’s release. With Elden Ring looming so near you can almost jump and grab it, fans of From Software’s work are now scared that they’ll die before the game comes out.
From Software
It all started on Reddit when a fan ashamedly admitted to his fear of dying before getting the chance to play the game.

It’s a pretty funny post, really, one that might seem dumb at first, but one that’s actually surprisingly relatable. Who still hasn’t heard about Murphy’s law, a hopefully fake law that determines that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong? Do you think no Marvel fans died between the release of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame and that the last they saw of Peter Parker was him entering the nostrils of Tony Stark in the form of ashes? Well, it turns out that the thoughts of the Redditor below aren’t ridiculous at all, or at least not uniquely ridiculous, because that’s a thought that has at least echoed in the minds of many other fans of the game.

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