10 Things You Didn’t Know about Walter Schumacher

10 Things You Didn't Know about Walter Schumacher

Do you recognize the name Walter Schumacher? He is the new reality star who is taking on a time slot of his own on the Discovery Channel, and the world is excited. He is the face of “Bee Czar,” and he is just what it sounds like – a man who knows bees. He saves them. Literally. If someone finds a hive, he goes to it, gets it, and he relocates the bees so that they are able to survive and thrive. He is in love with his work, and it shows.

1. He’s From Texas

It’s a big state. In fact, it’s one of the largest states there is. It has a massive population, and it has a lot of different areas. From suburban Dallas to the small town cattle town of Hereford, you will find a little bit of everything in Texas, including his home where he works so hard to save the bees.

2. He is Out to Save the World

He’s a man who is determined to save the world, and he’s doing this by saving the bees. We all know that honeybees are a vital part of the survival of the planet, and he is making sure that they are as safe as possible. We all want to save the world, but he has a much different way of doing it than we do.

3. He is Exceptionally Likable

He might not be a household name just yet, but this is a man who will be. He is just that likable. Honestly, who doesn’t like a guy who is just doing his thing, working his life, and handling his business like it’s the easiest thing in the world? He is a man who loves what he does, and it absolutely shows.

4. He’s Got the Coolest Job

His job is cool. He saves bees. He just…saves them. He finds them, he rescues them, and he does what he can to relocate them with their hives so that they are happy, and healthy, and they can pollinate without the world getting in their way. When someone finds a beehive somewhere, they call him, he gets it, and he fixes the issue.

5. He is a Dad

He is not only a husband to his long-time wife, Meredith, but they also have three kids of their own. They are the parents of three boys. They are clearly a close family, and their eldest son helps them out with their bee business.

6. He Is Crazy

We say this in a very respectful manner. He is crazy, though. He does this entire job without wearing a suit. We don’t mean your standard Brooks Brothers suit, either. Walter handles the bees without a suit. He is not fearful of the bees, and he knows how to handle them without being stung. So, he doesn’t wear a suit. He’s a little crazy.

7. He is a Former Restaurant Owner

It was in 2005 when he first learned of saving the world through bees. He had a restaurant of his own, and he was a professional chef. He was told that someone wanted to save the world with honeybees and he didn’t realize it was really a thing. He knew they were important for his work as a chef, but he did not know how much.

8. He Just Hung a Sign Outside

Here’s the other thing that is just so crazy about him. He had no bee experience when he first began this line of work. In fact, he was a man who simply did nothing but hang a sign outside that said not to kill bees, he’d move them. Then he began to learn about bees.

9. He Has an Interesting Piece of Advice

He tells people who have bees on their property as their own kind of breeding situation that they cannot go to the box and lift it up and interact with the bees all the time. Walter likens it to renting a home from a landlord, and the landlord comes over all the time and pops in and asks how you’re doing on a daily basis. You would not stay there, would you? You’d look for a new home. That’s his breeding advice.

10. He Calls Observation Important

All you have to do to take care of your bees is understand that being observant is the most important thing in the world. It is a situation that is really easy to understand, but so many people get it wrong.

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