20 Amazing Bodies of Female Athletes in Action Sports — Celebwell

20 Amazing Bodies of Female Athletes in Action Sports — Celebwell

Some of the most prolific athletes in action sports are female. From Chloe Kim, Julia Marino, and Jamie Anderson killing it in the snowboarding world. To Lindsey Vonn and Julia Mancuso being some of the greatest skiers of all time. To Carissa Moore, Tia Blanco, and Alana Blanchard riding the waves as surfers. These women have broken barriers, won medals, and became household names. How do they stay so fit? Read on to see.

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Chloe Kim has won medals at the two most recent Winter Olympics for snowboarding. Kim shared her self-care practices with Allure. “I love taking a good bath…but just having conversations has been really nice: I’m talking to my parents and friends on the phone, going over the day with my coach, and meeting with my physical therapist. Being more open about how I’m feeling has been great for me, just so that everyone knows how they could support me best.”

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Lindsey Vonn is a former ski racer. She shared her diet secrets in an interview with Women’s Health. Vonn says that in order to eat healthy, she sought help from a nutritionist. “If left to my own devices, I’d probably have mac and cheese and pasta and cereal. I need everything to be laid out for me, otherwise I divert quickly.”

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Misty Copeland is a ballerina who works with the American Ballet Theater. She opened up about her diet in her book, Ballerina Body. “Nuts have become my go-to snack. I keep a baggie or a small container of them in my purse and my locker at ABT’s rehearsal studio because I’ve found that they satisfy my hunger and give me a quick spike of energy.”

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Ronda Rousey is a very successful MMA fighter. She opened up about staying motivated to Train Magazine. “It’s all about putting in the work and motivation. You have to stay motivated – force yourself to be motivated. To be the best for more than a day or a week, you have to be really driven to sustain that level and that’s difficult. Honestly, you have to make yourself get up and go train, even when you have every reason and excuse in the world not to. To reach your goals you’ve got to put in the hard work required to get there. That sounds simple, but it’s not. You have to be persistent and you have to keep that simple idea in mind at all times.”

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Paige VanZant is an MMA fighter. She shared her workout secrets in an interview with Vogue. “Every day is different,” she says. “It depends on what day of the week it is. We have lots of classes, wrestling, jujitsu. I do a lot of Pilates, yoga, CrossFit as well. I also try to include one relaxing workout through the week like hiking.”

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https://celebwell.com/wp-admin/Simone Biles is one of the greatest gymnasts in history. She talked about living in the public eye with POPSugar. “Whenever I’m performing, or just on a daily basis, I try to block everything out. I also don’t look at comments or anything just because I’m grateful and I love everything about myself, and I’m proud of who I am inside and out. That’s definitely helped me not think about it.”

Damien Poullenot/World Surf League via Getty Images

Tia Blanco is a successful surfer. She is open about being a vegan. Blanco talked about why she adopted this lifestyle to LiveKindly. “I think that surfing, health, and yoga all go hand in hand and help me to be the best person I can be mentally and physically. I definitely would say eating a plant-based diet benefits my practice as a yogi and a surfer because I always seem to have a lot of energy throughout my workouts.”

Andrew Shield/World Surf League via Getty Images

Stephanie Gilmore is one of the most successful female surfers of all time. She makes sure to do a variety of workouts. Gilmore shared her favorites in an interview with the Irish News. “Core strength is important, and the best way I’ve found to activate and develop that is Pilates. Upper-body strength is also important for paddling.”


Carissa Moore is a surfer. She shared why she believes in a balanced diet with Red Bull. “I like the way that healthy food makes me feel. But I do like a nice muffin or some chocolate. It’s about moderation. My nutritionist has helped me find things that are light and also taste good. Growing up in Hawaii, food is such a beautiful social thing. It’s a big part of our culture to enjoy what you’re eating. It’s also a big part of traveling and experiencing a new place. On comp days, bananas, trail mix and GoMacro MacroBars—the banana and almond butter flavor is my favorite—are my go-to meals.”

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Serena Williams is considered the greatest female tennis player of all time. She’s won the US Open six times. Williams opened up about her fitness routine in an interview with Vogue. “I do the cardio exercises on Tonal, which is really helpful for me just to get my body back and used to calisthenics. I don’t necessarily want a trainer in my room or in the gym with me, so just having the Tonal trainers is a relief. It’s just something different from what I’ve been doing for the past 20-plus years, and it’s refreshing. But I definitely listen to my body. My favorite type of cardio is running, but my body has to be fit to be able to run or else my knees will hurt.”

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Venus Williams has won the US Open twice. She is a vegan, and shared her favorite meals with The Beet. “I’m not a big eater in the morning. I don’t usually have a ton of time to make something because I’m rushing to practice or meetings. Sometimes I’ll make a quick smoothie with fresh berries and a scoop of my Happy Viking protein powder, (probably the strawberry flavor, it’s my favorite) and drink this on the go. If I’m craving something sweeter, I’ll add two or three dates to the smoothie. I like to take it easy in the morning and don’t want to feel rushed.”

Tom Pennington/Getty Images

Jamie Anderson is a snowboarder. She loves to cook a lot of her own meals. Anderson shared her favorites in an interview with Us Weekly. “I make my own gee, I’ll do like a lot of golden milk in the evening,” she said. “You use like turmeric and ginger and gee with organic milk and it’s a really healing erratic Ayurvedic supplement. And yeah, I like all kinds of random food. I love cooking so when I’m home, I’m into like stir-fries, and like today I learned all different types of Korean recipes, so I’m actually stoked to go make some more delicious food.”

Kelly Cestari/WSL via Getty Images

Tyler Wright is a professional surfer, and she wants to be an advocate for others. She talked about this to ESPN. “Surfing needs people who are going to get into boardrooms and have hard conversations. I’m asking for equality for women, equality for the LGBTQ+ community, equality for Black and brown and indigenous people. I honestly don’t care about winning more world titles. But I know what gets me in the room.”

Damien Poullenot/WSL via Getty Images

Alana Blanchard is a surfer. She shared her fitness routine in an interview with Grind TV. Blanchard likes to do a lot of different things to stay in shape. “I try to change it up as much as I can. It just depends on where I am. Sometimes even jumping rope and doing some lunges or doing a workout on the beach can be fun and hard.” 

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Anna Gasser is a successful snowboarder. She trains with Clemens Millauer, and he talked about working with her to Red Bull. “Whenever we train together, Anna always knows before the start of the session exactly what she wants to work on,” says Millauer. “She can get really obsessive. Sometimes it might be just a tiny detail like finding the right tenth of a second for a grab. She won’t stop until she’s nailed it.”

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Julia Marino is a successful snowboarder. She shared with Outside Online that she loves to make fruit smoothies. “It’s not too heavy. When I’m done working out and pretty warm, I’m craving something light and colder that’s easily digestible.”

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Rachel Atherton is a mountain biker. She shared her typical diet in an interview with GQ. “When it comes to training, we don’t fix a rigid schedule for the week (eg do X on Monday etc) as the programme is so fluid (for example, good weather equals time on the bike). My trainer, Nick Grantham, gives me a menu – there are some non-negotiables but everything else is adaptable.”

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Vicki Golden is a motocross rider who has won medals in the X-Games. She shared her training routine in an interview with Women Fitness. “I normally start my day off with 30 min on a spin bike to get my body warmed up. After so many broken bones its tough to get moving in mornings. Haha. Hop off the bike and drink 16 – 24 ounces of celery juice. Then I normally have a few slices of avocado toast and some turkey sausage. Load up my dirt bike and have some fruit on my way to go ride.”

Millo Moravski/Agence Zoom/Getty Images

Julia Mancuso is an alpine ski racer. She talked about what she loves about skiing in an interview with SELF. “I could beat most of the boys when I was 10 years old,” she said. “It’s just one of those sports you get into by having a good time. It’s a fast sport, and it’s really about making the smoothest turn, the fastest time out of the gate.”

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Elena Hight is a very successful snowboarder. She shared how she trains for competitions in an interview with Strong Fitness Magazine. “I worked with a trainer and took up running for endurance. It definitely helped me become stronger than I had ever been, and taught me how much health and conditioning can make a difference in your performance.”


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