Netflix’s popular series Bridgerton revolves around the lives, romances, and scandals of the titular family in Regency-era London. Eloise, known for her outspokenness, independence, and intellect, stands out the most among the eight Bridgerton siblings. The English actress Claudia Jessie, who plays Eloise, showcased similar characteristics to her on-screen self.
Claudia Jessie wore a Stella McCartney blue and white pinstripe suit twice for the promotion of Bridgerton Season 3. The English actress first wore it on May 13 to the world premiere in New York City, with nothing underneath it. She styled her outfit with killer green satin platform heels, soft glam, paired with gentle waves in her hair.
Claudia wore the suit once again on May 16 during an appearance on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The second time, she wore the blazer unbuttoned, along with a white shirt, and styled the suit distinctively by replacing the green heels with black shoes. She also added accessories this time, a gold necklace and earrings. And styled her hair into a chic top bun. According to Stella McCartney’s official website, the boxy, clean-cut suit is made of light and airy recycled viscose and is priced at £1,350.
Claudia Jessie explains the reason behind re-wearing the same outfit
When the English actress was asked the reason behind her action, she answered in a humble and humorous way, a reason that is worthy of commendation. She said to InStyle at Bridgerton Season 3’s premiere, “I care a lot about being as sustainable as you can, so you will see me in this suit a fair amount, so I hope you like it because you’re going to see it again.”
Claudia also told the publication that she purchases secondhand clothing, frequently fixes her clothes, and buys durable items that will last a long time. She said, “A lot of my stuff is secondhand, if it’s not it’s something that has a guarantee where you can take it and get it repaired, it’s not you won’t throw it away. I will wear things more than once, and I’ll invest in a piece that I can have forever.”
Fans of the English actress shared their thoughts on Claudia Jessie’s choice to re-wear her outfit. One said, “She is fully Eloise. Or Eloise is fully her.” Another one penned, “I love her even more knowing she’s a sustainable, thrifty queen and her comment at the end had me dying.” Meanwhile, a third fan mentioned, “She did wear the suit again at Stephen Colbert’s!!! Love that.”
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