Which Non-MCU Characters Can Wield Thor’s Hammer? – Cracked.com | Articles

Moon Knight fighting Thor in Avengers comic.

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Ringo is now 81 and must be protected at all costs … and what better way to do that than to grant him a powerful weapon that would turn him blond, muscular, and immortal? It helps that he has experience with hammers, having heroically performed at least some of the hammering sounds in “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” despite calling it the worst song the Beatles ever did — further evidence that he had the kindest soul in the band. Plus, there’s a chance Odin’s magic might increase his drumming talents a thousandfold and make him almost as good as Pete Best

This list has turned out to be kind of a sausage fest, so let’s balance that out with … 

All Of The My Little Ponies (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)


The goodness of the ponies in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is so powerful that it transcends their universe — there’s even evidence of these characters escaping into our realm and going above and beyond to make some lonely humans feel loved (often in the shape of pillows, for some reason). That alone makes everypony in this show worthy, and we know that Odin would have no objection to equines from other planets wielding the hammer because, in the comics, the first character to permanently gain the powers of Thor was a space horse called Beta Ray Bill.  

But we know what you’re thinking: “Everypony, Cracked? Even the evil Nightmare Moon, the corrupted form of Princess Luna, sister of Celestia and co-ruler of Equestria?” Yes, even her, because Nightmare Moon’s powers include lunar manipulation, and Mjolnir, being made of out of moon rock, is susceptible to such abilities. If you have a problem with this logic, take it up with Marvel, because they recently used that exact explanation for why a super-charged Moon Knight was able to beat Thor with his own hammer

Marvel Comics

Moon Knight fighting Thor in Avengers comic.

Marvel Comics

Picture this scene, but with like 50 cute horsies. 

Yes, we also hate how much sense this entry ended up making. 

Follow Maxwell Yezpitelok‘s heroic effort to read and comment on every ’90s Superman comic at Superman86to99.tumblr.com. 

Top image: StudioCanal, Marvel Studios

Images and Article from www.cracked.com

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