What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, we sum up some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms every week. Today we recommend a mix of new releases and newly available titles, from movies and shows, all available to stream on the most popular platforms.

Prey (Hulu)

“Prey” is one of the most exciting releases this week. The film is a prequel to the “Predator” franchise, starring Naru (Amber Midthunder), a Comanche warrior who faces off with the terrifying and tech-savvy alien. It’s directed by Dan Trachtenberg, who has experience reinvigorating franchises and crafting tense sequences.

The Sandman (Netflix)

Based on the revered Neil Gaiman comic book, ”The Sandman” follows Morpheus, the king of dreams, who’s spent years imprisoned and is trying to restore order to the kingdom of Dreaming, a place that humans visit while they sleep, filled with a lot of weird stuff. While the premise sounds crazy, fans of Gaiman’s work have been waiting for this adaptation since the ‘90s, with many claiming that the final product is well worth the wait.

Riverdale (Netflix)

The sixth season of “Riverdale” is coming to Netflix this Sunday. The series, which plans to end at some point in 2023, is too weird to recap but it follows a group of friends who are brought together by a mysterious death, which reveals a dark underbelly in their town.

Uncoupled (Netflix)

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