Loki Star Owen Wilson Turned Down A $12 Million Dollar Salary & Refused To Star In A OJ Simpson Movie Due To This Reason

Loki Star Owen Wilson Turned Down A $12 Million Dollar Salary & Refused To Star In A OJ Simpson Movie Due To This Reason

Loki Star Owen Wilson Turned Down A $12 Million Dollar Salary & Refused To Star In A OJ Simpson Movie Due To This Reason
Owen Wilson Turned Down A $12 Million Dollar Salary, Here’s Why. (Photo Credit – IMDb)

Hollywood is simmering with biopics and retellings of major historical events. Usually, A-list stars jump at the chance to star in a movie, no matter how controversial the topic. Howe out that Owen Wilson might be an exception to the rule. According to new reports, he turned down a whopping $12 million paycheck because he did not want to star in a movie that made OJ Simpson look innocent. Wilson just wanted to be on the right side of internet history. Here’s what happened!

Since the 90s, there has been a lot of interest in the case of OJ Simpson and his alleged criminal cases. The former athlete has been the subject of many award-winning documentaries and movies, but his real-life story is no less than a tragedy. Simpson was accused of killing his former wife and then abetting to fly off; in the trial of the century, which started a division in America, he was declared not guilty in the criminal case, but he did serve time in jail on another matter.

After the numerous movies made about him, it turns out there was a movie being made that explored the racial aspect of the case, playing the devil’s advocate and questioning Simpson’s culpability. Owen Wilson, the major Hollywood star, was offered the role of Doughlas Mccan, who was one of Simpson’s lawyers in the civil case.

The Juice, which is considered a satirical thriller, will tell the story of the OJ Simpson case and represent OJ Simpson as innocent in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

New reports suggest that Owen Wilson gave up 12 Million Dollars when he passed on the role. Despite interest from his agent and positive feedback on the script, Wilson expressed reluctance to lead a project questioning Simpson’s guilt.

He continued, “Owen Wilson was perfect for the role. I actually had a meeting with him in Santa Monica. Everybody loved the script. His agent wanted him to do it. We offered him $12 million. But at the end of the lunch, Owen stood up and said, ‘If you think I’m going to take the lead role in a movie about how O.J. didn’t do it, you’ve got to be kidding me’ ”.

Although Wilson‘s decision disappointed director Joshua Newton, he is still committed to finding a qualified candidate for the position. Boris Kodjoe has been cast as O.J. Simpson, and Charlotte Kirk will play Nicole Brown Simpson.

The Juice is still in production, and Newton plans to finish it by October 3, 2025, the 30th anniversary of Simpson’s acquittal.

Stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates!

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