A British man claims he was “frozen to the ground” during a UFO encounter that he says was “so vivid” it proves aliens are out there.
Gerry Woodcock, a retired fish tackle shop owner, says the UFO sighting took place around four years ago as he was returning to his house after a day of fishing.
“What I saw was a big orange ball, about as big as two airliners, followed by two more grey objects. It came from the west and went towards the east,” he recently revealed to Nottinghamshire Live.
“It was unreal, I was frozen to the ground it was so vivid. The clouds were at a medium height and it was just above them. It was absolutely round, there was no noise just moving.
“They were not of this world.”
Woodcock added, “I have seen something that probably no-one else has seen. I looked up and thought ‘oh my god’ it was marvelous. I was rooted to the ground, I just watched them. You can’t talk about it because people think you’re stupid, I mentioned it to a friend and they said ‘you’re joking.’
“It proves without doubt that they (aliens) are out there, people think it’s a load of rubbish but it’s not. They are definitely there.”
He said the UFOs appeared to move slowly for about two minutes before quickly flying off in tandem.
Ever since the UFO sighting, Woodcock’s son says his dad has been hooked on finding out more. Gerry is only coming forward now because he hopes it will inspire others who have had encounters with UFOs to do so as well.
“It was an unusual thing that he saw and he can’t let it go,” said Tony Woodcock. “Every so often he’ll mention it, he watches UFO documentaries since he saw that. He realized that there are UFOs out there.”
Glowing UFOs spotted by multiple witnesses over San Diego draw worldwide attention
Gerry Woodcock is far from alone in having a unexplainable encounter with UFOs.
Earlier this week, glowing UFOs recorded on video in the sky over San Diego left local residents confused and drew the attention of several news organizations around the world.
Two different sets of UFOs were seen. The first involved two bright reddish in color UFOs flying in unison then vanishing. More than one witness recorded the unusual sighting.
The two sets of lights appeared to be traveling horizontally before making a downward maneuver then reforming and flying horizontally again then diving again before disappearing.
A similar UFO sighting occurred in June of this year near San Diego.
Several theories were put forth by those who viewed the videos, but none had been confirmed.