Louis Tomlinson: ‘I’m really looking forward to doing this one live’ – Music News

Louis Tomlinson: 'I'm really looking forward to doing this one live' - Music News

Recently on Smallzy’s Surgery, we chat with Louis Tomlinson. Louis talks about writing his latest song ‘Bigger than me’ and how being in lockdown helped clear his head and alleviate pressure on him which ultimately helped him write the song in London. He also talks about the meaning behind the lyrics, saying “Without giving too much away. It’s just kind of feelings that I had during lockdown and understanding what my job is and my relationship with the fans and what all of that means.”

Smallzy’s Surgery can be heard weeknights from 7pm to 10pm on Nova Network and the full interview can be heard on the Smallzy’s Surgery podcast.


SMALLZY Hey, man, new music is out. Congratulations. Bigger than me. Let’s before we press play for the first time. Tell me all about it. Tell us about the process. Tell me about where you were.

LOUIS I did it in London, we wrote that in London. There was a lot of pressure with this, or at least I’d put a lot of pressure on myself in terms of what I wanted out of this first single. And I knew that I kind of, especially with how well the tour should be going. And I want to keep this momentum going. And you that kind of come out of the blocks with something that feels pretty big in size. And I’m a massive, massive fan of that chorus man, it gives you that kind of feeling. And it feels like an ambitious song to come out with. But also something that’s been important to me throughout the writing process is, it’s something that you can imagine easily in the context of the live show. And that’s really important for me, because that’s my favorite stuff to do. So yeah, I’m really looking forward to doing this one live

SMALLZY Nice. lyrical content is what’s the what’s the meaning, the vibe, what can you tell me behind the story?

LOUIS Without giving too much because I feel like I gave a lot away on the first record. But without giving too much away. It’s just kind of feelings that I had during lockdown and just kind of understanding what my job is and my relationship with the fans and what all of that means really,

SMALLZY We all went through lockdown. And we all had that, we don’t know what’s gonna… And I never asked I’ve don’t think I’ve asked like a famous person or celebrity. How did you you handle it? Like what was going through like your mind as someone whose life is on the road and playing shows? What was your initial thoughts? Were you like this is it, I’m never gonna play a show again. Were you optimistic?

LOUIS It was definitely difficult with the fact that I just had been waiting for the tour for a long time. Yeah, I felt like it kind of got snatched away from me, but also understanding what was going on in the world. And, you know, in the grand scheme of things, that was what it was. Listen, there was definitely times it was challenging, like everyone, but for me, I live my life at such a fast pace. And it was nice, just having, especially in the context of the album for second, it was nice just having the pressure off. Even you know, just for a little bit of time mentally that kind of suited me actually

SMALLZY No, I get that I think a lot of us like who live very quick or intense lives where you don’t press, none of us want to like press the brakes because you just never know when it’s going to end, so you’re just like, oh, go go go go go and you’ve been going since you know, 11 years. It probably was like, Oh, I get to stop. I can imagine you like what do I do? I’ve got to define myself on my own. How do I be on my own? Like do nothing.

LOUIS But no, it was good. And I do think it helped me in a different way with writing on the record because it just like I said, there’s just such a fast paced in my life and there was a lot of time to think and kind of clear your head. Yeah, and that’s obviously good for writing.

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