Taylor Swift Encourages Fans to Vote on Super Tuesday, Avoids Endorsing Any Candidates | Politics, Taylor Swift | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

Taylor Swift vote message

Taylor Swift is encouraging her fans to vote on this Super Tuesday, though she is avoiding endorsing any of the candidates. The 34-year-old singer put out a bipartisan message on her Instagram Stories on Tuesday […]

Who Should Play Young Gibbs in ‘NCIS: Origins’? Vote for Mark Harmon’s Successor! | Extended, Mark Harmon, NCIS, NCIS: Origins, Poll, Polls | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

Liam Hemsworth photo

CBS has ordered an NCIS prequel series that will focus on a younger version of Mark Harmon‘s iconic character Gibbs. Harmon and his son Sean are producing the new show together and while Sean played […]

BBC Radio 2’s listeners to vote for their favourite Queen song – Music News

BBC Radio 2’s listeners to vote for their favourite Queen song - Music News

To mark the 50th Anniversary of Queen releasing their eponymous debut album and their first single, Keep Yourself Alive, today Radio 2 launches a listener vote to discover Your Ultimate Queen Song, with the results […]

Oscar Voters Declare They’ll Refuse To Vote For Will Smith’s New Movie

Oscar Voters Declare They'll Refuse To Vote For Will Smith's New Movie

AppleTV+ On Monday morning, AppleTV+ released the first trailer and poster for their expected award season contending film Emancipation, which is a slave drama directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Academy Award winner Will Smith. Emancipation […]