I made a New Year vision board last year – it all came true, from visiting Paris to buying a Chanel dress & YSL perfume

Kiersha McKenna, from Northern Ireland, reviewed her vision board dreams against the reality of her 2023.

They say you have to see it to be it – and one woman has proven that visualising your future does pay dividends. Kiersha McKenna made a vision board for last year filled with images […]

Hand Habits and Perfume Genius on Making Music Under Capitalism

Hand Habits

Photo courtesy of Meg Duffy of Hand Habits. Perfume Genius might be one of the only things left over from indie sleaze that isn’t totally cringe (or a complete hot mess). The artist, whose real […]

8 New Albums You Should Listen to Now: Drake, Bartees Strange, Perfume Genius, and More

Drake Honestly Nevermind

With so much good music being released all the time, it can be hard to determine what to listen to first. Every week, Pitchfork offers a run-down of significant new releases available on streaming services. […]