When Eminem Almost Died From Overdose In 2007– Here’s How Music Saved His Life

Did music save Eminem’s life?

Did music save Eminem’s life? (Photo Credit – Facebook) The rap icon, Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, overdosed on methadone, a moment that almost ended his career, and his life. At the Rock […]

The worst episode of Star Trek, ‘Threshold,’ found new life on Tumblr

Tom Paris, in the midst of undergoing a grotesque transformation, grins lopsidedly while holding a large chunk of his own tongue in his hand.

Star Trek fans celebrate a lot of holidays. There’s Star Trek Day on Sept. 8, the anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek: The Original Series. There’s First Contact Day on April 5, the anniversary […]

Costco Suffers “Biggest Satisfaction Slide,” New Survey Finds — Best Life

Costco Suffers "Biggest Satisfaction Slide," New Survey Finds — Best Life

A new consumer satisfaction survey is exposing which mega-retailers have the happiest customers—and the results speak for themselves. Data suggests that shoppers are abandoning Costco for rival Sam’s Club, a trend that’s also generated buzz […]