If Internet Service Providers Were Honest (VIDEO) – Cracked.com | Articles

If Internet Service Providers Were Honest (VIDEO)

Shared from www.cracked.com Want NFT artwork without being an awful human being? We turned Roger NFTs into purchasable shirts.   SOURCES:https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/24/17882842/us-internet-broadband-map-isp-fcc-wireless-competition https://www.theverge.com/2015/4/1/8321437/maps-show-why-internet-is-more-expensive-us-europe-competition https://theweek.com/articles/449919/why-american-internet-slow https://www.theverge.com/22177154/us-internet-speed-maps-competition-availability-fcc https://www.newamerica.org/oti/reports/cost-connectivity-2020/global-findings/ https://www.theverge.com/smart-home/2015/11/7/9687976/comcast-data-caps-are-not-about-fixing-network-congestion https://money.com/internet-data-caps-bogus-ploys/https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/03/encryption-wont-stop-your-internet-provider-from-spying-on-you/521208/ https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/04/isps-sue-new-york-to-block-law-requiring-15-broadband-for-poor-people/ https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/08/virtual-learning-when-you-dont-have-internet/615322/ https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2018/12/axios-the-homework-gap-12-million-schoolchildren-lack-internet https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/internet-broadband/ https://dailyprogress.com/business/castro-centurylink-regrets-your-troubles-and-other-business-briefs/article_b99629be-b23f-11e8-a1dc-0f565952956b.html https://www.cracked.com/blog/4-ways-corporations-are-turning-us-into-jerks CAST:Roger Horton: Jack HunterNephew: Jordan BreedingWriter: Jordan BreedingDirector: Jordan BreedingArt Director/Assistant Director: Andy NewmanDirector […]

SpaceX: Billionaire CEO Jared Isaacman is on track to go further into space than any human in 50 years – CNN.com – RSS Channel – App Tech Section

Shared from www.cnn.com The first flight in the series of missions, which are being called “Polaris” after the North Star, is planned for late this year and will last up to five days and include […]

Grand agriturismos: seven bellissimo eco-stays on Italy’s Adriatic coast | Italy holidays – Lifestyle | The Guardian

Agriturismo-LAperegina Casa-albero

Shared from www.theguardian.com As European travel returns, many of us will be hoping to ensure our holidays do good rather than harm. But tracking down eco-friendly, affordable escapes can be tricky, which is where, for […]

Guy Fieri Did Something Incredible On Super Bowl Sunday – Entertainment – UPROXX

Guy Fieri

Shared from uproxx.com The Rundown is a weekly column that highlights some of the biggest, weirdest, and most notable events of the week in entertainment. The number of items could vary, as could the subject […]

‘Making music is about making assets for social media’: pop stars battle digital burnout | Music – Culture | The Guardian

‘We like our words and our ideas and our stories have value’ … Tegan and Sara.

Shared from www.theguardian.com The run-up to an album release is all about teasing and pleasing the fans: thrilling videos, the promise of a fantasy-fulfilling collaboration, the drip-fed unveiling of a musician’s new era. But earlier […]

Basketball Coach Sydney Carter Perfectly Shut Down Criticism Over Her Pink Leather Pants – Glamour

Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Footwear Shoe Audience Crowd Shorts and People

Shared from www.glamour.com Sydney Carter, an accomplished basketball player turned coach for Texas A&M’s Division 1 women’s team, caught the internet’s attention earlier this month when a photo of her game-day outfit went viral. In […]