Alex Jones’ Infowars Made A Disgusting Amount Of Money… According To His Own Accidentally-Leaked Text Messages

Alex Jones' Infowars Made A Disgusting Amount Of Money... According To His Own Accidentally-Leaked Text Messages

As I type this article, conspiracy theorist/media personality Alex Jones is sitting in an Austin, Texas court room being grilled by lawyers representing a group of Sandy Hook families. Today’s trial is one of THREE […]

Kim Kardashian slammed as ‘disgusting’ for darkening Stormi’s skin to match True’s in photoshopped Disney pic

Kim Kardashian has been slammed for darkening Stormi's skin to match True's complexion in the photoshopped Disney pics

KIM Kardashian has been slammed for darkening Stormi’s skintone to match True’s complexion in the photoshopped Disney pics. The reality star, 41, admitted on Wednesday that she had replaced her niece Stormi with her other […]