Ben&Ben explores animated music videos in new album ‘The Traveller Across Dimensions’

Ben&Ben explores animated music videos in new album ‘The Traveller Across Dimensions’

This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article. The 12-track album tells the journey of the character Liwanag towards inner peace MANILA, Philippines – OPM band […]

Ben&Ben, Sunkissed Lola among Spotify PH’s awardees for 2023 Wrapped campaign

Ben&Ben, Sunkissed Lola among Spotify PH's awardees for 2023 Wrapped campaign

This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article. Other Top Local Groups of the Year for Spotify’s 2023 Wrapped campaign are Lola Amour, December Avenue, Parokya […]