James Cameron Made A Titanic Amount Of Money By Trading Salary For Backend Profits On 1998’s “Titanic”

James Cameron Made A Titanic Amount Of Money By Trading Salary For Backend Profits On 1998's "Titanic"

From a very young age, James Cameron has had an obsession with shipwrecks. He was especially fascinated by the Titanic. The Titanic went missing in the extremely deep waters of the North Atlantic in 1912. […]

When The Studio Lost Confidence, Todd Phillips Traded His Directing Salary For Backend Points On “The Hangover”. That Was A Wise Choice…

Todd Phillips

On June 5, 2009, “The Hangover” was unleashed onto the world. The sophomoric road trip comedy went on to generate $467 million worldwide, which was enough to make it the highest grossing R-rated comedy of […]