TikToker goes viral with “frighteningly beautiful” Hawaii volcano eruption videos

TikToker goes viral with “frighteningly beautiful” Hawaii volcano eruption videos

Published: 2022-11-29T13:52:06

Updated: 2022-11-29T13:52:14

A TikToker has gone viral after sharing “frighteningly beautiful” footage of the Mauna Loa volcano eruption in Hawaii after she got pretty close to it. 

Take a few minutes to scroll through TikTok and you’ll find a whole host of different videos, trends, and topics going viral throughout different corners of the video-sharing app. 

On November 28, Hawaiian volcano Mauna Loa – the biggest active volcano in the world – finally erupted for the first time since 1984, sparking plenty of Scientific pages to explain what had happened. Some even managed to get right on top of the lava eruption with drones and helicopters.

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As it currently stands, the Volcano isn’t threatening to spew lava down toward any homes or people surrounding it – even though ash and sulfur warnings are in place. So, that’s given some TikTokers an idea to get as close as possible. 

In the case of TikToker SamanthaMase, she didn’t get near the Volcano’s caldera, but she did manage to provide unique viewpoints from both her own home and her friend’s farm. 

The first post, which came from her home, showed the stunning glow in the night sky that the eruption had created. At the time of writing, it’s got close to 2.5 million views, with thousands of comments being taken back by how it looks. 

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In her follow-up post, the TikToker drove somewhat toward the danger, heading to a friend’s farm. From there, she got a more elevated look at the eruption. “This is so freaking wild,” she said as she got to see some lava flow. 

Naturally, some viewers urged her to be safe given the eruption could cause earthquakes and other danger to life, but couldn’t help but be impressed by it.

“I love it! Stay safe over there,” said one. “That is frighteningly beautiful,” added another. “That’s so cool! I’d be both excited and freaking out,” commented another. 

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Sam herself said things would be “terrifying” had the volcano had a more “explosive” eruption, but as it stands, it’s just an impressive feat of nature.

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