The song obviously elevates the scene, but the people need to know that the scene already existed, meaning that Shaggy was already becoming kind of a badass – or at least finally revealing the badass that he had been all along. The Ultra Instinct Shaggy trend started rolling so fast that we began seeing all sorts of memes claiming that Shaggy wasn’t just strong, he also had all sorts of powers.
Warner Brothers
scary powers.

Warner Brothers
At first Matthew Lillard, the legendarily underrated actor who played Shaggy in the Scooby Doo films claimed that the memes were wrong.
But was he really worried about upsetting the carefully maintained Scooby Doo canon, or was he afraid that he’d awaken Shaggy’s true power? We believe it’s the latter, as he soon began to embrace the awesomeness of it all.