Omnigone Break Down New Album Feral Track by Track

Omnigone Break Down New Album Feral Track by Track

Track by Track offers artists the opportunity to guide readers through each song on their newest release. Today, Omnigone vocalist Adam Davis breaks down the band’s new album, Feral.

East Bay ska punk band Omnigone have returned with their third studio album, Feral. A blistering, uncompromising body of work, it represents a pinnacle of music fulfillment for vocalist (and In Defense of Ska co-host) Adam Davis.

Feral was recorded live with Jack Shirley at Oakland’s Atomic Garden in just three-and-a-half days, with all of the music written by bassist Barry Krippene. In a departure from his previous albums, Davis didn’t play any guitar and solely recorded vocals.

“Barry got sober in 2019, which flipped a switch in him as a songwriter,” he adds. “We are usually sitting on a backlog of about 25-30 full song demos. Some of them are mine but the vast majority are his.”

Davis also reveals that Feral is “uncompromisingly” the album he’s always wanted to make. “I look back on now and feel like I made compromises, cheated myself or wasted my time,” he explains. “There are other albums where I knew what I wanted but just couldn’t get there. Feral is an album I would have loved as a teenager, as an angry young adult, and now.”

He continues, “Feral is defined as ‘in a wild state, after escaping from captivity or domestication.’ That title perfectly sums up how this album feels. This album won’t be for everyone, but definitely for me. When making art or music, that’s my North star. If it’s something I want to listen to, I’ve succeeded. If someone else enjoys it, all the better.”

By staying true to himself, David hopes to inspire listeners to do the same. “If you’ve found this, if you’re among the few who see yourself reflected in these words, I hope you are living your life on your own terms,” he says. “If you aren’t, start today. If I can start a new ska punk band in my 40s, you can do the thing you have been putting off, too.”

Stream Feral below and read Davis’ full Track by Track breakdown.

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