Coby Sey Next on AD 93 for Debut Album

Coby Sey Next on AD 93 for Debut Album

AD 93 will release the debut album of Coby Sey, a London producer and vocalist.

Known to many for his collaborations with Tirzah, Mica Levi, and Klein, Sey’s influence stretches across many of the most important UK records of this decade.

The album’s sonic direction was cemented by a recent live performance on the rooftop of The Laundry with friends Ben Vince, CJ Calderwood, and Biu Rainey. It’s feeling is nocturnal “with luminous moments shimmering throughout.” Sonically, we’re told that it traverses “woozy and corrosive post-grime” and flirts with post-punk, jazz fusion, and experimental electronics. As ever, Sey’s style remains intimate but a sense of frustration ripples throughout in comparison to his previous releases.

Conduit is Sey’s second appearance in AD 93, following a 2017 EP, released when the label was still known as Whities.

Across eight tracks, Sey plays multiple instruments but there are also credits for Ben Vince (tenor saxophone, loops), Raisa Mariam Khan (electronic percussion), CJ Calderwood (alto saxophone), and Biu Rainey (electric guitar).

Conduit is a statement of intent, reaffirming my dedication to transcend the tangible through music,” Sey says. “It’s my way to continue and contribute to the musical lineage laid by those before me, locally and worldwide.”


01. Etym
02. Mist Through the Bits
03. Permeated Secrets
04. Dial Square (Confront)
05. Night Ride
06. Onus
07. Response
08. Eve (Anwummerɛ)

Conduit LP is scheduled for September 9 release. Meanwhile, you can stream “Permeated Secrets” below and pre-order here.

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