Alex Gould/Special for The Republic
“For those about to rock, we salute you!”
The “those” in this case are graduates of Summa College in Eindhoven, Netherlands who are taking part in one of the school’s newest programs. The program is called “The Metal Factory” and it’s offering students a music degree with a focus specifically on Heavy Metal. The program launched this year with an open house on January 26th.
According to the Metal Factory website, it teaches students tools such as how to “master the art of growling” in its singing classes, as well as playing guitar, bass, drum and keyboard for metal audience.
“In addition to individual instrumental skills, you will also learn all there is to know about the business and technical aspects of the profession, and how to cooperate and perform intensively with other students,” the site states. “All of this will help you establish a broad basis for your future career in the music industry. The learning environment of Metal Factory offers plenty of opportunities to gain experience in performing, organizing festivals and preparing workshops.”
But fear not, American readers. The program is not just for those in the Netherlands. The Metal Factory claims it is intended for an international audience so all classes will be taught in English. And lest you think the program is illegitimate, there are prerequisites.
The Metal Factory’s Heavy Metal Degree Program Is Serious Business
Applicants must have the equivalent of a high school diploma, and all applicants must have an audition before they are admitted.
“An audition takes a total of 30 minutes. A committee of two to three persons will judge your musical performances,” the site states. “Especially your instrumental skills (skills, playing together) and your artistic creativity (own arrangement or composition) will be considered. Afterwards, the committee will talk to you about your motivation, vision of the future, ambitions and social skills.”
Spots are limited, the site warns. So this is clearly serious business. But if your dream is to be the next James Hetfield, Lemmy, or Dave Mustain, this might just be your way toward doing so.